Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Freed House for Thanksgiving

OK, going home to Detroit does not happen as much as we would like. But everytime we go home to Mom and Dad Freed' is always an experience. For example, now my parents have chickens! Well a lot of my life i had grown up with chickens and collecting eggs. BUT we didn't live in town...we lived out in the normal people with chickens. But if you know my parents, they are unique and love to have chickens.

The funny thing was, Danielle and I got to go collect the eggs. But Danielle was freaked out...or as she likes to put it,
"this is freaky". But once we got into the coop, and played with the chickens and ducks she was ready to discover some eggs. Also, my Dad would be happy, if i would mention that my parents once used to have a Turkey....but well, Thanksgiving came along, and he became the guest of honor at the Thanksgiving meal.

Finally, big thanks to my Dad for taking us to Port Huron Michigan on Wednesday! I really wanted to show Danielle where i lived until i was 12. It was amazing how well i knew my way around, and how things had not changed much since 1993. Everything was still there!

Port Huron is the birth place of Thoma Edison, and also the location of the Blue Water Bridge. So here is a picture of me and dad with Tommy Edison!

Catching Up with some friends!


well life has been crazy around here. With big projects in my Masters program, Thanksgiving, traveling to Detroit, and many visitors to our home from Wisconsin. Here are a couple of our favorite pictures!!!

Dani and Becca, it was so cool to have you here!! We loved hanging out with you, laughing with you, shopping with you, and of course hanging out with campers at TARGET until 1am!!! So proud of you for your driving adventure, and your heart for personal growth!!! You ROCK!!!

But Before Dani and Becca made the long trip down from Wisconsin, our friends, Matt, Jake, Cindy, Steve, Mike, and Tina all came down from Mukwonago to celebrate my birthday!! It was just like old times...lots of loud laughing and lemon teeth!!! I think that is how you know when a friendship runs deep, when you can pick up right where you left off, and it isn't events or experience that bring you together, but a heart connection. We love you all!!!