Thursday, April 13, 2006

Easter Prep

Hey Friends, as you know Easter is knocking at the front door, but Palm Sunday was a great day for Danielle and I. Our local church family celebrated the life of Christ through an all church drama. The choir sang, and members of the congregation acted out the diffrent characters in the story of Grace. We even had Pat R. be Jesus. He did a great job!! Here are a few pictures we snaped with our new camera!! Enjoy! What is your church doing for the season? Better yet, what are YOU doing to celebrate Grace?

I love this picture of Jesus at the copier!!! What if Jesus worked in your office!!!

Danielle and I dressed the part. I was John the Baptist and Danielle played a HOT blond Jewish girl...she played her part perfect...except for the Jewish part=)


Anonymous said...

This is great!! I love Jesus at the copier. Hope your Easter Musical goes well.

Anonymous said...

I don't usually respond to blogs, but when you use a picture of me it is hard not to respond. Had I known..., no wait, I did know. I'm Jesus.
We are truly going to miss you two around here. I will make sure that we keep up with what's going on with you through your blog.
Take care!

Unknown said...

Thanks Pat!! You did a great job with the Church play!!!!
