Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Last week of my 1st class

I have just started my last week of my first class of Grad work with Indiana Wesleyan Univerisity. I can't believe I am working to ge my Masters. If only Mr. Chapman from the 6th grade could see me now. I wanted to share something with you from a book I just finished called, "Managing the Non-Profit Organization" it's as good as it sounds. But Peter Drucker does an awesome job in this book, and my professor, Robert Whitesel jotted down a few of his favorite quaotes and I wanted to share them with you. Enjoy, and I hope you can use them to reflect on the management of your life, or ministry. If you ever get a chance to sit down and read a good book, don't pick this one up, it is pretty heady and not very entertaining. But a great resource!

Forum: Epilogue
Date: 03-31-2006 22:07
Author: Whitesel, Robert
Subject My Favorite Drucker Quotes

From Peter Drucker's “Managing the Non-Profit Organization”

“A leader needs to see himself in a position of indebtedness. Leaders are given the gift of leadership by those who choose or agree to follow.” (Drucker, p. 37)

“Even if you have market leadership, non-customers always outnumber customers.” (Drucker, p. 100). Elmer Towns said once: “As long as there is one person in your community who doesn't know Jesus as Savior, your church isn't big enough

“Write down what you expect to happen. Nine months or a year later, compare your expectations to what actually happened.” (Drucker, p. 197)

David Hubbard said, “I think a CEO has two primary areas of service. I have to care for the vice-presidents, whom I supervise…And I have to care for the trustees.” (Drucker, p. 173)

“Paying serious attention to self-development - your own and that of everyone in the organization - is not a luxury for non-profit executives.” (Drucker, p. 189)

Inviting each volunteer to answer two questions twice a year. “What have I learned? What difference to my own life has my [ministry] at the church been making?” (Drucker, p. 190)

Drucker's questions were great. “Where have I made an impact? Where do my clients need me-not just want me? Where have I been wasting their time and mine? Where should I concentrate next year so as not only to give my best but also to get the most out of it?” (p. 191)

Drucker maintains, “Probably the best of the nuts and bolts of self-development is the practice of keeping score on yourself.” (p. 224)

“Write down what you expect to happen. Nine months or a year later, compare your expectations to what actually happened.” (Drucker, p. 197)

“It is always painful for me to see how great the gap is between what I should have done and what I did do.” (p. 224

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome info, John. Thanks for the insights. Sherry