Monday, November 07, 2005

Dear Don Freed

Dear Grandpa,
I love you! Thank you for being a man of God, and sharing that with your three boys. I remember as a little boy coming over for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and every night before bed, the whole family would all kneel and pray. I know this was a tradition from your father, which you shared with your family, and then with your grandchildren. That was powerful in my life, and to this day I kneel to pray. Also, every Monday night, I have a Bible study of 30 teenage boys who meet at the church, and I tell them the story of my Grandpa, and how he is a man of God, how he loved his wife Lucy, and their three boys. I tell them about how you are a man of prayer, and conviction. I always tell them of your love for Jesus. So on Monday night with those young men, we all kneel to pray, just like you.
Grandpa, I hope I grow up to be like you. I love you so much, and pray for you often. You have always been a spiritual hero in my life, and many times I have faith in Jesus, because of my grandpa’s faith in Jesus. Thank you for loving Jesus.
Finally, thank you for the nicknames. Pumpkin toes, Hunk of Bologna, and my favorite, JohnBoy. No matter how old I become, I will always be JohnBoy.

I love you Grandpa,


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