Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Sir Do you know why I pulled you over?

Friday night, Danielle and I ended a romantic evening in Chicago with a speeding ticket coming home on 41 North. I was going 61 in a 45---so that is $105 less in our checking account. I honestly had no idea I was going over the speed limit. The speed limit when merging onto 41 north from 94 north was 55---I thought I was safe. But I guess the speed limit changes to 45mph as you travle

Needless to say, we will never be taking 41 north to get home.


Anonymous said...

I read your blog site while at work. Interesting stuff. But with the Walls family-it is alway interesting stuff

Unknown said...

James, come visit me!! I miss you=) hahahahahahaha I remember the last time you had trouble with the law...that is a great story!!!

love ya bro...


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

You are in fact, an innocent victim. You may want to trace your genetic lineage. This matter of having a right foot that is considerably heavier than your left runs in all the males in the freed family. It was especially evident in your granfather. There does seem to be some blancing of this podial weight discrimination as you age.
I believe you could probably gather the data and make a case to fight this ticket. The good news is, you can double up and use the same research to prove your inherited depravity

Uncle Dale

Unknown said...

Thanks Uncle Dale....i have noticed when i run, i look funny. This explains so much!!

love ya!!! I will miss you all this coming weekend...wish i could be there!


Anonymous said...

John Freed you a bad, bad, man just like Eric, you should not speed. Also thanks for noticing, but it's a cardigan.